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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - State Board of Education
2024 Committee Assignments

April 2024

Academic Standards/Chapter 4
Dr. Lee Williams, Chair
Sandra Dungee Glenn
Amanda Hetrick
Dr. Jeffrey Keeling
Katherine Christiano

Dr. Lee Williams
Hon. Pedro Rivera
Nathan Barrett
Karen Farmer White 

School and University Safety
Nathan Barrett, Chair
Hon. Maureen Lally-Green
Dr. Jeffrey Keeling
Dr. Monica Taylor 

Special and Gifted Education
Hon. Maureen Lally-Green, Chair
Hon. Carol Aichele
Nathan Barrett
Ernest Hadrick 

Career and Technical Education
Tre Hadrick, Chair
Hon. Carol Aichele
Dr. Monica Taylor
Robert Mitchell 

Teacher and School Leader Effectiveness
Sandra Dungee Glenn, Chair
Amanda Hetrick
Dr. Monica Taylor
Dr. Benjamin Wilson
Dr. Lee Williams 

Special Committee on Private School Accreditation
Hon. Carol Aichele, Chair
Dr. Jeffrey Keeling
Katherine Christiano

Special Committee on ESSA Implementation Oversight
Karen Farmer White, Chair
Hon. Carol Aichele
Nathan Barrett

College Textbook Policies Advisory Committee
Act 104 of 2010 established the College Textbook Policies Advisory Committee as a standing committee of the State Board of Education.  The composition of the 23-member committee is defined by statute and includes: the Deputy Secretary for Higher Education (who is designated Committee Chair), the Chair of the State Board's Council of Higher Education, college faculty from each higher education sector in PA, students representing each higher education sector in PA, the Chairs of the House and Senate Education Committees, and representatives of college booksellers and the publishing industry.