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Roundtables and Hearings

Roundtable Meetings and Public Hearings
Purpose & Function

The State Board of Education believes educational policy is best made in an open, public process where all perspectives are considered. Roundtable meetings and public hearings are held to bring interested parties together with members of the State Board to explore policy issues pending before the Board. These meetings provide an informal – but structured – setting where open discussion and dialogue can occur between Board members and interested parties.

Roundtable meetings usually are held during the early stages of policy review. Information gathered through Roundtable meetings assists Board members to identify successful policy strategies and issues of concern. Unlike formal hearings where participants present prepared testimony, participants at Roundtable meetings simply share perspectives about the regulations or policies being considered by the State Board. Participants should come to the meeting having reviewed the regulations or policies beforehand.

A member of the State Board, usually a committee chairperson, chairs the Roundtable meeting. Generally, they will frame the issue or briefly review the regulations under consideration and request comment. The informal Roundtable setting permits board members and participants to ask questions or discuss issues at length where appropriate.

To permit members of the Board to hear divergent perspectives, the Board reserves the right to limit participation. However, Roundtable meetings and Hearings are public meetings of the State Board and therefore members of the public and news media are free to attend and observe the proceedings.

The State Board maintains interested parties lists to notify and keep interested individuals informed about future meetings and activities. Notice of upcoming Roundtables and Public Hearings also will be made on this web site.

For more information about Roundtable meetings and Public Hearings or to be included on interested parties lists, please contact the State Board of Education by calling (717) 787-3787 or by email at: